
来自 Dr. Andukuri

Dr. Andukuri

As physicians, we take an oath to “first do no harm”! So, safety should be innately built into everything we do. 越来越多地, our patients expect us not only to provide safe care, but also to provide effective and high- value care with better access. 给n the current national debate on how to do all the above, we as a healthcare system and professionals need to further educate ourselves on improving the healthcare for the population we serve and their needs in a cogent way. 

认证 Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) are requiring residency programs to integrate quality into their curriculum to develop future physicians who would apply these principles in their practice thereby providing 高质量的 and 高价值的 care. Creighton residents and fellows have integrated these concepts into their daily work. 在过去的三年里, the number of QI 项目s per year has increased from 114 项目s, with the potential to save the hospital system $8 million a year.

At 皇冠体育博彩大学 based on our Jesuit values and the outstanding support and direction from GME and the department of Internal Medicine we started a journey with the following goals: 

  • To teach the key principles of patient safety, systems thinking and quality improvement (QI) principles & 我们所有学员的方法
  • 建立安全文化, quality and teamwork which will help our trainees to carry the skills onto their careers 
  • To prepare physicians in training to be stewards of safe, 高质量的, 高价值的, 以及以病人为中心的护理 
  • To develop future leaders in quality and safety and healthcare innovation

走向这段旅程, 在过去的几个月, we have started integrating quality and safety into our curriculum. The initial steps were to develop a structure and provide residents with resources for both data and QI experts. In the meanwhile, we started with didactics and encouraging QI 项目s for all residents. 此外, we also started to incorporate self-paced Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) learning modules and started to incorporate residents into hospital safety, quality and CHI Living Our 任务 (LOM) committees. There has been ongoing support for all the QI 项目s, their implementation and methodology. Our educational curriculum is also being expanded to include a separate curriculum for High-Value care in addition to patient safety and quality improvement.

Annual Quality Improvement Symposium


The Quality Improvement Symposium rounded off the week and showcased the hard work and collective efforts to improve patient safety and quality of care within the hospital system. All of the 项目s had a significant impact on the work environment of the hospital and, 最重要的是, 我们服务的病人.

在一周内, the Graduate Medical Education Office and Administration, in conjunction with CHI Health and the Creighton 医学院, collaborated to produce the first Multidisciplinary Panel to review potential resident-created quality improvement 项目s. 该小组, which included representation from the hospital administration and quality departments, 医学院 research and biostatistics experts and system quality leaders and data analysts, reviewed potential QI 项目s and provided feedback. This will be the model going forward to facilitate integration of the quality improvement process throughout the Graduate Medical Education programs. 


Alignment with Hospital Quality Initiatives
Dr. Michael Klug, Internal Medicine Resident, 项目, Code Sepsis: We’re on the Clock

Alignment with the 任务 of 皇冠体育博彩大学
Dr. Nikhil Jagan, Pulmonary-Critical CareFellow, 项目, Code Blue Training: A Multidisciplinary Approach

约翰内斯·奥尼尔, 结肠直肠研究员, Standardizing Colorectal Adenoma with Invasive Adenocarcinoma Staging

Dr. Keidren Lewi, 家庭医学住院医师, 项目, Improving Healthcare through Addressing Food Insecurity

Dr. Thamer Kassim, Internal Medicine Resident, 项目, Decreasing Inappropriate C. Difficle测试

Dr. Keidren Lewi, 家庭医学住院医师, 项目, Improving Healthcare through Addressing Food Insecurity

Dr. Jeff Macaraeg, Pulmonary-Critical Care Fellow, poster, Standardization of Post Code Debriefing

Best Overall Quality Initiative of the Year
Dr. Michael Klug, Internal Medicine Resident, 项目, Code Sepsis: We’re on the Clock