


《皇冠体育博彩》杂志主编丹尼·徐 & NBC电视节目的主持人 当然是丹尼·赛

摘自获奖杂志, 当然是丹尼·赛, 他的NBC电视节目《皇冠体育博彩》获得了艾美奖, 丹尼·赛, 以及以他的名字命名的畅销产品和书籍, 丹尼·赛是美国人在健康方面寻求现代和新鲜想法的人, 环保的生活. 数以百万计的人依靠丹尼为家庭装饰提供聪明的主意, 美味的饮食, 聪明的工艺项目和简单的解决方案等等.

丹尼出生于1977年的地球日,12岁时就开始了他毕生的事业. 在他12岁生日那天, he started the environmental organization Earth 2000 with the mission to “save the planet by the year 2000” (it was 1989 when he founded it). He grew it from a small school organization into a national movement with tens of thousands of teenagers championing on behalf of planet.

高中毕业后, 丹尼为兰登书屋写了他的第一本书《皇冠体育》, 这本书记录了他作为一名青少年活动家的一生. His appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show led to his accidental calling as a lifestyle expert, 媒体很快就报道了他烹饪有机食物的独特天赋和才能, 用现成的物品装饰, 活得机智而美丽. 对丹尼厨艺的关注, decorated and lived drew the attention of celebrities like Kerry Washington and Brad Pitt and also media outlets like Elle that tapped Danny as a special guest editor.

二十年后, 丹尼的创意蓝图已经成为丹尼Seo媒体投资公司, 包括《皇冠体育博彩》杂志在内的一家多媒体和销售公司, 徐志强(3岁).5 million readers); the weekly TV show 当然是丹尼·赛 on NBC (1.6 million weekly viewers; #1 highest rated Saturday morning show in the country); over 10 lifestyle books including his latest 自然, Delicious (Random House); a line of 1000 home and lifestyle products bearing the “丹尼·赛” name sold in over 4000 stores; a syndicated column in hundreds of newspapers called Do Just One Thing; and regular appearances on NBC’s Today Show as a lifestyle contributor. Danny is also the national spokesperson for Bosch 首页 Appliances and the Wilsonart Corporation.


  • 创业的旅行 
  • 内在的力量
  • 麦吉弗 & 玛莎·斯图尔特
  • 绿色是美丽的

丹尼·赛 will host several student events on campus, followed by a keynote speaking engagement, on 3月14日星期二.


A plenary session will be open to the public in the Hixson-Lied Auditorium of the Mike and Josie Harper Center at 7pm.


牧师. 娜奥米·图图

牧师. 娜奥米·图图 knew from early in life that the one thing she would never be is a priest. 她总是说, “我有我爸爸的鼻子, 我不想要他的工作。, 在做了多年的开发顾问之后, 教育家、种族和性别活动家,她接受了被任命为牧师的召唤. She is an Episcopal priest who most recently was Associate Rector at All Saints, Beverly Hills.  She was born in South Africa and had the opportunity to live in many communities and countries. 她在斯威士兰接受教育, 美国和英国, 成年后一直在南非和美国生活. 她的专业经历包括在西非担任发展顾问, to being program coordinator for programs on Race and Gender and Gender-based Violence in Education at the African Gender Institute at the University of Cape Town. 此外,牧师. 图图曾在哈特福德大学任教, 康涅狄格大学和北卡罗来纳州的布里瓦德学院. 

除了演讲和讲道,牧师. 图图成立了Nozizwe咨询公司. The guiding principle of Nozizwe Consulting is to bring different groups together to learn from and celebrate their differences and acknowledge their shared humanity. 作为这项工作的一部分, she has led 真理 and Reconciliation Workshops for groups dealing with different types of conflict. She has also offered educational and partnership trips to South Africa for groups as varied as high schools, 教堂, 济贫院, 中小学教师, 还有妇女协会. 这些旅行强调了分享我们的故事和经历的机会. 


  • 真理 & 和解:治愈种族主义的创伤
  • 我们共同的人性:通过马丁·路德·金的原则创造理解
  • 建立跨种族的性别联盟
  • 为正义而奋斗:寻找共同点
  • 女人在世界上的精神地位
  • 一个身体,一个家庭,一个世界

牧师. 图图参观了校园 星期二,2022年10月4日.  

作为许多新闻编辑室的第一位拉丁裔记者, 玛丽亚Hinojosa 梦想有一个可以独立创作的空间, multimedia journalism that explores and gives a critical voice to the diverse American experience. 2010年,她创建了Futuro Media,实现了这个梦想, 一个独立的, 总部设在哈林区的非营利性新闻编辑室, NYC的使命是从POC的角度创建多媒体内容. Futuro does this in the service of empowering people to navigate the complexities of an increasingly diverse and connected world.

作为皮博迪获奖节目《皇冠体育博彩》的主持人和执行制片人, 由美国国家公共电台分发, 也是《皇冠体育》的联合主持人, Futuro Media的获奖政治播客, Hinojosa has informed millions about the changing cultural and political landscape in America and abroad. 她的新书, 《曾经的你:一个支离破碎的美国的爱与恨回忆录, Hinojosa tells the story of immigration in America through her family’s experiences and decades of reporting, 描绘了一个处于危机中的国家的坚定形象. 她也是长期运行的贡献者, 获奖新闻节目哥伦比亚广播公司 Sunday Morning和MSNBC的常客.

伊诺霍萨近30年的职业生涯是一名屡获殊荣的记者,包括为美国公共广播公司报道, 哥伦比亚广播公司, WNBC, 美国有线电视新闻网, 美国国家公共电台, 主持WGBH电视台的脱口秀节目《一对一》,获得艾美奖. 她是两本书的作者,并获得了数十个奖项, 包括:四次艾美奖, 约翰·Chancellor奖, 特克尔社区媒体奖, 罗伯特·F. 肯尼迪奖,爱德华R. 海外记者俱乐部默罗奖, 以及NAHJ颁发的鲁本·萨拉查终身成就奖. She has been honored with her own day in October by New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio and has been recognized by People En Español as one of the 25 most powerful Latina women. 另外, Hinojosa was the first Latina to anchor a PBS FRONTLINE report: “Lost in Detention” which aired in October 2011 and was the first to explore abuse at immigrant detention facilities, garnering attention from Capitol Hill as well as both the mainstream and Spanish-language media.

作为美国国家公共电台的记者, Hinojosa was among the first to report on youth violence in urban communities on a national scale. 在她担任美国有线电视新闻网城市事务记者的八年里, Hinojosa often took viewers into communities rarely shown on television and continued that work longform on Now on PBS. 在Futuro Media, Hinojosa continues to bring attention to experiences and points of view that are often overlooked or underreported in mainstream media, all while mentoring the next generation of diverse journalists to delve into authentic and nuanced stories. In 2018 she was a Fellow at Shorenstein Center at the Harvard Kennedy School and is a frequent speaker across the country. In 2019, 她被任命为母校首届杰出驻校记者, 巴纳德学院. 她与丈夫和两个孩子住在纽约市.


  • 《曾经是你:爱的回忆录 & 撕裂美国的仇恨
  • 媒体中的拉丁美洲人
  • 前线:拉丁美洲人 & 女性视角下的移民
  • 消除不平等



艾格尼丝Igoye escaped from the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) at age 14 after they raided her home village in Uganda demanding virgins. 在她从人口贩卖中逃脱之后, Igoye把防止人口贩运作为她的终身使命, 与幸存者一起工作, 和教育. Igoye经营着一个人口贩运幸存者中心, she was a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Minnesota and studied forced migration at Oxford. 目前, 艾格尼丝Igoye is serving as the Ugandan Deputy National Coordinator for the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons. 她也是乌干达移民培训学院的负责人. Along with her numerous leadership positions and her tireless work fighting against human trafficking, Igoye has several TED talks and is working to educate people about the dangers and realities of trafficking.

全球学者 在2020年10月虚拟接待了艾格尼丝Igoye 听她的故事, 了解更多有关预防人口贩运的资料, 并就贩卖人口和教育问题开展重要对话.


纳迪亚的Murad 是伊拉克北部yazuz ? d ?少数民族的成员, 2014年,伊斯兰国袭击了她的家乡科丘村, 辛加尔区. 数百人被屠杀,包括娜迪亚的母亲和她的六个兄弟. More than 6,700 girls and young women were abducted and held as sex slaves, including Murad. 三个月后,她设法逃走了.

In 2015, 穆拉德作为“伊斯兰国”幸存者难民计划的一部分前往德国, 2016年, she was appointed the first United Nations’ Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking. 她是纳迪亚倡议的创始人, 一个致力于帮助遭受种族灭绝的妇女和儿童的组织, 大规模暴行, 和贩卖人口来治愈和重建他们的生活和社区. In 2018, she earned the Nobel Peace Prize “for [her] efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.”

纳迪亚的Murad 是《《最后的女孩:我被囚禁的故事,以及我与伊斯兰国的斗争."

纳迪亚的Murad 是2019年9月16日系列演讲的第一位演讲者.