
Park on and Around Campus

Planning to come to our Omaha or Phoenix campus? 欢迎! 学生, 教师, 工作人员和客人可以找到最新的停车信息, what permits are needed and more right here.  



奥马哈大学的所有车辆都应该有徽章, 临时吊牌或由泊车服务处透过 JayPark or is subject to citation. 所有的学生, 员工, contractors and 游客 are required to have an annual, 或临时, 停车许可证在奥马哈校园停车时正确显示. 凤凰城的学生和员工可以通过JayPark账户购买卡塔利娜车库的使用权.

如果你卖掉你的车,保留你的贴花,因为它们是可重新定位的. 如果你忘了,你必须把车停在城市街道上,或者在JayPark购买一天的通行证. If you lose your decal, 您需要以购买当日适用的价格购买新的许可证. If your vehicle and/or decal is stolen or totaled, bring a police report to 停车 Services to get a new decal.

购买许可证的人须对该许可证所发出的任何引用负责, regardless of whose vehicle displayed the permit. Learn more about the rules regarding 贴花和吊牌.  

There are designated student, 员工, 周长, visitor and patient permit lots on Creighton’s Omaha campus. 在这些停车场停放的任何车辆必须有适当显示的停车许可证(见下文的附加信息)。.


Student parking lots and spaces are designated in green. 员工和学生可以获得用金色标记的地段.

有车库贴花的学生只能在车库或所有许可类型的停车场停车, not in any other surface lots such as student lots.

Register for Student 停车 in JayPark

Omaha Employee 停车

Employee parking lots and spaces are designated in blue. 学生许可证和员工许可证均可使用金色指定的批次.

Register for Employee 停车 in JayPark

新员工在入职第2天左右才会自动进入JayPark系统. 一旦他们可以登录他们的Creighton SSO,他们将申请并购买他们的许可证. 该系统将允许他们打印临时许可证,直到他们的许可证到达. 如果在临时打印之前收到传票,请主管联系停车服务部门. 创建来宾帐户将不允许您购买适当的许可证.

有一个分级定价结构,贴花直接邮寄到家庭. 可拆卸贴纸应该显示在乘客一侧的挡风玻璃内侧. If you change vehicles for any reason, temporarily or permanently, the decal can be transferred to the other vehicle.


教师, 工作人员, 学生可以在卡塔利娜停车场购买车库停车位,先到即付, 先得制. 有500个点. There are no physical decals.  You will access the garage with your Creighton JayCard. 访问将在选择的开始日期后的2个工作日内上传.  Daily options can be purchased directly from the garage.

Omaha Perimeter 停车

Perimeter parking is restricted to lots E93a/b, E78, and E75. Drivers parking in 周长 lots are encouraged to use Creighton’s free Shuttle Service 到达目的地.  

  • 从下午4点开始.m. 到6岁.m., 星期一至星期五, and any time on weekends, 所有皇冠体育博彩附属机构出示有效的周界许可证,可以在校园的任何地面停车场停车.

Omaha After-Hours 停车


Evening-only permits are available; these permits allow 教师, 工作人员, 从下午4点开始,学生必须把车停在教职员工和学生停车场.m. 到6岁.m., 星期一至星期五, and any time on weekends. 

  • Evening-only permits may be obtained through JayPark
  • 所有出示有效许可证的皇冠体育博彩附属机构都可以将车停在任何学生身上, 员工, or all permit parking lots from 4 p.m. 到6岁.m., 星期一至星期五, and any time on weekends.
  • 晚间停车许可证亦可于下午5时起用于牙科病人停车场(28、38及38A号停车场).m. 通过6a.m., 星期一至星期五, and any time on the weekends.
  • The evening-only permit may not be used in visitor parking.

Public 停车 Options

Looking for on-street and off-street parking near Creighton? 访问奥马哈公园了解详情,包括通过智能手机通过免费应用程序支付. This is a convenient and affordable option for students, 游客, 教师 and 工作人员 who come to campus periodically.

EV Charging Stations Near Creighton

电动汽车充电站遍布奥马哈市区, with some stations right next to campus. Check out sites such as 充点, ChargeHub和奥马哈公共电力区(OPPD)获取更多信息. 

Additional Information

Windshield Decals and Temporary Hangtags

为了避免被引用, 皇冠体育博彩的员工和学生必须有一个可定位的贴纸, 临时标签, 或印制由泊车服务处透过JayPark发出的许可证于任何时间在物业内停车.

  • 教职员工和学生不得将车停在访客停车场.
  • Motorcycles parked near bicycle racks do not require a permit; however, 占用停车位的摩托车必须显示当前的停车贴花.
  • 出示许可证可以让你把车停在停车位上, 只要有空间, but does not guarantee the availability of a stall.
  • 所有车库均需出示学生证和停车许可证.
  • 在残疾人摊位、消防通道和专门指定的摊位(如.g., VP/Dean, Facilities Vehicles, etc.) is enforced at all times, year-round.


The University uses a repositionable decal, 哪个必须贴在乘客侧下角的前挡风玻璃内部. 整个贴花必须从外部清晰可见,不能位于着色后或被雪/冰遮挡.


可重新定位的贴花允许你移动你的贴花到另一辆车的任何原因, including getting a new vehicle during the year, driving a loaner or riding with another driver to campus.

Do not misplace your decal. Keep your decal if you sell your vehicle.

  • 丢掉你的贴花? You will need to purchase a replacement for $50.  Please see 停车 FAQs for more information.
  • Stolen or totaled vehicle and/or decal? Bring a police report to 停车 Services to get a new decal. 购买许可证的人须对该许可证所发出的任何引用负责, regardless of whose vehicle displayed the permit.
  • Forget to move your decal from another vehicle? 你必须把车停在城市街道上,或者通过JayPark购买一日通票.


所有员工, 请在校学生和客人不要堵塞消防通道, 消防栓, 门武器, or service/garage doors, or park on grass or landscaping.


  • Stalls reserved for the President / Vice Presidents, Provost / Vice Provosts, 院长, 耶稣会士或访客
  • Deglman Square (Drop off and pick up only; vehicle must be attended at all times)
  • East Lane by the Harper Center (Drop off and pick up only; vehicle must be attended at all times)
  • 客人停车
  • 任何装货码头

在没有国家颁发的残疾人许可证或车牌的情况下,不要在残疾人摊位停车. 拥有国家颁发的残疾人许可证或车牌的车辆还必须出示大学许可证,以便在大学财产上指定的残疾人摊位停车.


(located with Card Services office)
Mike and Josie Harper Center
602 N. 20日圣.

工作时间:早上8点.m. 到下午4:30.m.,




爱德华Gauhari, Associate Director of Card and 停车 Services

迈克尔·莱纳, Assistant Vice President of 公共安全


Send an email to one of the following areas.
For after-hours concerns, contact public safety at 402.280.2104.